Fish Lane - concept 2015

Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015
Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015
Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015
Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015
Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015
Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015
Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015
Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015
Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015
Fish Lane Concept Model, 2015

The Fish Lane concept was created by drawing on a number of key start point elements, and applying a lateral thinking mindmap approach to concept development. These elements included the social history of Fish Lane as a light industry site. In particular the Aerated Water Bottle Factory and the Fish Lane Steam Laundry that had been situated in this laneway. We also responded to the name itself - Fish Lane. Drawing on connections made through the laterally thinking process. 


key conceptual elements teased out through this process were:

water - aerated water bottle factory, steam laundry and fish  

flow - work flow, water flow, mechanical flow, process flow

transition/Interchange - from one state or raw material to another - equally within the site this captures the movement from one space/street to another 

transmission/communication - product exists beyond the site, fish schools are bio-systems of communication

multiplies acting in unison - as a whole/integrated system - manufacturing systems discreet but integrated parts, fish schools organic system. 


The site and artwork are a convergence of these ideas.