Emerging from the whispers of many different voices, histories, environment and observations of this location 'Reach" is a responses to both the past and the future stories of Hamilton.
Reach is an artwork that, in keeping with our practice, facilitates a participatory experience for the audience, a way of understanding the artwork both optically and sensorially. The spectacle of boats arriving and leave harbour has always drawn people to the waters edge and today the cruise liner continue to inspire the draw. Inspired by this observation the artwork incorporates a 'nautical birds nest' like observation platform for people to further enjoy this momentous occasion. The stair walk up to the observation platform is inspired by the historic 'gang plank', it is the interstice moment between one world and another, between the land to the water.
The artwork also acts as a site of contemplation, being slightly removed from the hustle of our land dwelling lives; we are free to reflect upon the endless cyclic ebb & flow of the Brisbane River. The artwork's connection to the site is also reflected in the form and materiality of the work, referencing both the sailing history of this area and flora of this location.
Unfortunatly funding for the commission has been withdrawn just prior to fabrication due to change in State Government and the closure of Arts + Place policy in 2013.
We would like to aknowledge efforts from UAP and Brisbane City Council throughout the concept and design development process for this project, and we hope that the project will be realised in the future.