NTU Global Digital Art Prize 2019
The NTU Global Digital Art Prize (NTU GDAP) is organised by the NTU Institute of Science and Technology for Humanity (NISTH) and the School of Art, Design and Media.
Taking the form of a biennial competition, it recognises global artists and technologists with extraordinary creativity in digitally mediated art, design and cultural heritage. The Prize is intended to nurture and catalyse the vast potential of creativity in digital art, culture and technology for the betterment of the human condition in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Finalist Jury:
HONOR HARGER - Executive Director ArtScience Musem (Singapore)
KHAIRUDDIN HORI- Curatorial Director and Partner Chan+Hori Contemporary (Singapore)
DAEHYUNG LEE- Founder of Hzone Consulting; Team leader of Hyundai Motor’s Artlab (South Korea)
HIROMI OZAKI (SPUTNIKO!) - Artist, Designer; Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts (Japan)
LUBI THOMAS – Founder LubiCo; Artist, Curator and Creative Director Ars Electronica (Australia)