The New Aesthetic? 2015

Michael Candy, Big Dipper, 2014, kinetic light sculpture, courtesy and © the artist.

In 2011, artist James Bridle introduced the term "New Aesthetic" to articulate a concept referring to the increasing appearance of the visual language of digital technology and the Internet in the physical world, and the blending of the virtual and physical.

This exhibition examines creative practice from Queensland, Australian, and international inter-media artists reflecting on the idea of a New Aesthetic, identifying new ways of comprehending the world via a technological lens, and interrogating its significance within contemporary cultural practice.



Curatorial Team: Rachael Parsons & Lubi Thomas 

Asst project officer: Laura Brinnin 


download floor brochure 


image credit: Michael Candy, Big Dipper, 2014, kinetic light sculpture, courtesy and © the artist.