Conceptual framework:
Drawing upon the key ideas of Illumination, Reflection and Repetition Gaswork expresses the transitions of Gas from element to the tangible yet equally ephemeral state of flame and light.
The artwork possesses strong formal qualities and presence that is coupled with a dynamic optical effect that generates a fleeting illusiveness. The billowing rhythmic form dissects the dining pod and walkway, activating the precinct through dynamic redirection and reflection of light generated by the passers by and the lighting.
Made entirely from stainless steel, the satin finish yields a subtle and soft quality of light, rendering transient movement as ghosted reflections. A seated viewer experiences a trace flicker that solidifies momentarily revealing the person walking behind the artwork, the once tangible form quickly becoming rewoven and absorbed back into the surface. Conversely the person passing by will experience a subtle shift in the walls density perceived as a gentle moire effect pulse generated through manipulation of the sculptures geometry.
Curators: iAM Projects
Client: FKP Gasworks
Concept: Davis Thomas
CAD: Davis Thomas - Solidworks and Vector Works
Materials: All 316 Stainless Steel
Stainless Suppliers: Midway Metals Yatala
Laser Cutters: Laser Central
Stainless Steel Polishers: Minnis and Samson PTY LTD