IDAP Sans Faute 2013

Li MING, Mist ,2012, two-channel-digital video (colour, sound), 4:3, 21min 21sec. Image courtesy of the artist

Sans Faute, 2013


Sans Faute explores how technology has influenced contemporary Chinese society, culture and art practice, through a range of video installations and interactive environments. Presented by IDAProjects, Platform China and QUT Creative Industries Precinct, the works presented seek to reveal a shared language between Western and Chinese contexts that exists through employing technology as a universal creative meeting point.


IDAProjects Curatorial Team:

Director IDAProjects: stephen danzig  

Director Platform China (HK): Claudia Albertini


QUT Curatorial Team:

Senior Curator - digital media: lubi thomas

Curatorial Team: rachael parsons


download floor brochure